Monday, November 11, 2013

My Clean Adventure

We've all been there at one point or another; that point in our lives where we feel something has to change. Some of us acknowledge this feeling and try to figure out what it is that needs changing. Some of us don't and we ignore it or pass the thought of change off like it's an ugly sweater we don't want to deal with.
I've been an ignorer for a long time, for many things. But recently, I've decided that there are many things that need to change.
Okay. So you've decided not to ignore it all, that's great. But what now? What exactly needs to change? Well, I'm putting it all out in the open, and I am coming clean with all my downfalls. Here is what I feel I need to change, my goals if you will:

  • My house needs to be cleaner. I'm sick of it never being 'guest ready.' I need to take the time to tidy up, and scrub it down more.
  • I need to be healthier overall, including
    • losing weight
    • eating better
    • exercising more/being more active
I think the greatest thing that needs to change is me and my mind. I have made excuses up until now about one thing or another, which is what really needs to change. I need to take responsibility for myself and kick that willpower into high gear.
I know it will take time and a lot of hard work. But I see this as an adventure. I have a goal to update the blogosphere with my successes and struggles throughout my journey as a means to make myself accountable. Perhaps by putting everything out there will make me avoid excuses. Perhaps it will motivate me to do more. Perhaps it will be a big bust. All I know is, I need to try, and I need to change.

So for all of you out there: How do you stay motivated? Do you have a reward system for yourself? How do you get up off your ass every day and get stuff done?
